Making Money in 2017
If you still think because you didn’t go to college or graduate high school, you have a great excuse to not succeed in life, then you are drunk or stuck in 1999. It is 2017 and there is no excuse to not be on top of learning whatever you want. I can enter absolutely anything in a YouTube search and probably find a video to help me learn step by step! Stop with all the B.S. stories we keep telling ourselves. Stop with all the crap other people tell us, it will only limit our beliefs. There are a lot of things we don’t need to listen to:
- Stop wasting time on the computer.
- This is how your family made a living so you have to.
- Take a job for security, who cares if you like it.
- Stop day dreaming.
- Stop playing on YouTube.
If anyone tells me “there is only one way”, I tend to assume that the individual talking is pretty close-minded or just not willing to think past what someone else has told them.
It is 2017 and no one should be being trained on how to dig coal. We aren’t in the stone age and we are far more advanced than needing to do jobs that are not only underpaid, but harmful to our health. I would rather live a whole life happy and broke, rather than wealthy and depressed. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t want either of those choices! Haha.
There is money to be made in almost anything. Don’t focus on the things you suck at; double down on the things you are good at. If that is playing on the computer, find a way to monetize it. If it’s traveling, find a way to monetize it.
YouTube Money
Parents start supporting your kids in those weird things they do like making videos on YouTube.
Do you know those videos could pay for their college and your retirement home?
There are people who literally open boxes of toys and shows them off, then their child plays with it for a while on camera. The top kid, Ryan’s Toy Review, which you can find on YouTube, is making upwards of a million dollars a month. I did not stutter or screw up. One million dollars a month!
Think on that for a while.
Good morning! Now go Conquer your day!