We don’t know what we don’t know.
As soon as rules or techniques become fixed and rigid, that Method becomes unchangeable. Change is inevitable because we grow every day. If you don’t change a little every day you should be! 🙂 Our cells are constantly changing, every time we learn something new we have a different POV and our synapses (the connection between neurons) increase and the blood cells that support neurons grow and increase in number.
This world gets so much new information daily because of advancements in science and technology.
We no longer have to see the world from one POV. We have access to everyone’s story, or version of their story. Think about it, we have only been taught or told one side of almost every story we know of. Most of the time we take the side of whoever seems like the good guy in the version we are told.
Our character work and prep comes from the amount of compassion we are willing to give to each “character” compassion and empathy allows us to look at the world from the point of view of the character, those life choices that were made. The given circumstances of the “Character’s” Ego. For that we must always be open to see the other side of the story without friction.
We only so many things we actually know about life and the world around us.
There is only so many things you know about yourself. So let’s assume bellow is a pie chart representing all of the knowledge ever known or that will ever be known in the Universe! Blue, represents what we know. The things we are sure of. in the red represents the things we don’t know, for instance, speaking Japanese. The Green, the rest of all of that represents the part “We don’t know, we don’t know”. Stew on that for a bit. Go on, I’ll wait…
Find your inner child!
If you approach life, and craft with a, I already know everything attitude then you are missing the point of life. The thing that makes life awesome and amazing and down right Fanfu&’n Tastic! Sorry, couldn’t help myself with the curse. Anyway, life is much more fun as a child because everything is new, and has limitless potential. We look at our lives with rigid rules and no enjoyment of the moment. Everything has become mundane. You got into acting because it was the farthest from Mundane! So if you don’t have that passion right now, ask yourself why you are still doing this career? God, and the other 85% of the SAG Union members that aren’t active know this isn’t a quick path to fame. If you are doing it just for the fame, keep an eye out for reality shows.
Do 30 minutes a day of learning new information. I don’t care if that is reading a book or learning martial arts. So much knowledge is at our finger tips because science and inventions have made it so much easier to understand and connect to our world.
No longer do we have to hear one side of any story. We have every angle of history in the world now.
Be curious, be a kid, and keep a thirst for knowledge.
Embrace change and you will defeat a lot of pain.