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As actors we get shown thousands of different ways to learn acting, and a million different opinions on what acting is and what we are supposed to be doing etc. In this blog we will talk about the “craft” if you want to call it that. We will talk about the business of acting, which is what making money in acting is, a business. By the way, what you are selling is you. I will also give you tricks, tips, and ways to help you find your true, honest, and most authentic self.
I think acting is all about allowing. Dropping walls we have built up over our life and just letting life happen moment to moment. Through out this blog I plan to help you understand how to find the moment, how to allow the moment and how to keep the moment in your ever day life.
In acting we are trying to allow ourself to be affected by everything around us, and how to allow ourselves to react truthfully to the circumstances. Now here is the funny part. In life, we are consistently trying to learn how not react to everything around us. On the other hand we are trying to gain control of our emotional reaction so that we can create the life around us we choose. Life is about %10 of what happens to you and %90 of how you react to it. So I look forward to this journey with you guys and I hope I can help you improve on your acting and find peace and love in everything you do. I am not hear to necessarily teach you to act but as the Dali Lama says about Buddhism. Buddhism is not to make you Buddhist but to make you better at what you are.
There should always be freedom in your wings. Don’t get weighed down by thought.
They are yours and you can also change them.
Dean West