Owning Your Power
Let’s start off with a quick exercise before we get into owning your power, or finding your power.
Follow the directions.
On your own time, take two nice, deep breaths; and on the third one, make it a deep enough breath that you close your eyes and can feel every little area of your chest cavity fill up.
Push your stomach out as far as you can full of air. Once you can’t hold your breath anymore, let it out and your body will take back over the breathing controls for you; then, I want you to put your focus on your feet and toes. Put focus on every single muscle you have and give them a little activation. Do the same with your calves like a wave of energy tightening every muscle in its path up your back and out to your finger tips!
Now, don’t move, be silent, be aware of the blood flow and energy moving in your body. Now, take one more deep breath; and, as the air sits you straight up with your chest held high and your shoulders falling back, begin to imagine what that energy looks like and feels like moving around your muscles, leaving every area it touches feeling a little better, more awake. Now, I want you to think of something that makes you feel strong and joyful. Hold that feeling.
Are you smiling?
This is You in Your Power
This is you without anyone’s judgment. This is your true self, you are powerful beyond all belief. You are a creator. You are literally made of the same stuff a star is made of! Feeling this inner peace, joy, and strength is what you were born with. You didn’t have to go outside to get it. In fact, you had to go inside to find it.
Many of us have never felt that before. Those who have felt this before probably never realized when it faded away because “life” happens. We get hurt by someone, a tragedy happens, or the Kardashians break up. Real life things!
I lost my power. Is it my fault?
Let’s say it isn’t all your fault. Most people are never told that the power, the answer, the guidance, all of that, is inside of you anyway. As a matter of fact, most of us are told that our power and our strength is outside of us, somewhere else for us to reach out to, or hope we get help from. We give our power to our jobs, governments, and religious institutions all the time. If you haven’t noticed, it doesn’t matter if you live in Beverly Hills, work on Wall Street, or in the Vatican, money, religion, and power aren’t the key to being happy; and, if you remember from earlier, your power is with you when you are feeling joyful and full of strength.
Living more in joy also comes with:
- boosted immune system
- extending your life and the quality of it
- combating stress
- fatigue
- pain
The list goes on.
Where does the power come from?
Power comes from an alignment of our full mind, body, and soul. This awareness that we are more than just a “body stuck here on earth to deal with this miserable existence of what they call ‘life’, the rat race”. If we believe that to be the truth about life, by the way, then we’re right. No matter our beliefs, they are right on the money because we are aligning our future all of the time with what our conscious mind focuses on most. We are casting that vibrational net for like vibrations. You don’t need to search for your power, you are the power. You aren’t the body experiencing power, you are the power.
Your power is always running.
Einstein proved Power or Energy never dies, it is eternal. We never really lose our power, we just give it away. Our power is always sending out vibrational waves to the universe around us so our power is always on and running. We still have to pay for the bill no matter what our power is used on; but, when we aren’t “In our power”, our mind is busy creating off of our fears and, boy, is it racking up a bill. Most of us are unconscious most of the time and living based on reactionary terms. We live via the reaction of what life is giving us instead of consciously controlling our thoughts. Since the now is so heavy with emotion and physicality, it’s hard not to deal with what they call the “pain body”, or the life circumstances.
Who am I?
Consciousness, essence, and the soul are different from personality or circumstances. It’s older than all of that. I like to say, “when we hear God created us in his image, he didn’t create man in man’s image, he created us in GOD’s image.” God is a Creator, so he created little creators. We are all a piece of consciousness (God) from the smallest amoeba to the largest of elephants experiencing life here on this leading edge of creation. Though we are all separate, we are all a piece of God and consciousness is experiencing itself through us.
When we aren’t in our power, we tend to pick up the problems around us in our circumstances. If we are not creating, we are mimicking to fit in to the outside world. We copy our friends and family. We put our cells in the atmosphere of our beliefs. If our beliefs are that we will probably get cancer like x, y, or z, then we are putting our cells in that atmosphere. If we believe the world is out to get us because “life’s a bitch and then you die”, then life is going to be a female dog because we are always seeing the world in direct alignment with our beliefs.
Some times you just have to inhale the good shit, and exhale the bullshit! (click on the image to snag the shirt)
Catch your thoughts!
If we can, try to catch ourselves when we start feeling bad and think about something else. You can even count backwards from 5 to 1 then do something else, think about something else, or physically move somewhere else. We have to change the behavior.
You will know if you are giving up your power when your emotions begin to feel anger, pain, and jealousy, as those things make you feel crappy.
At any point in your day, take a deep breath, or a few, slow down your breathing and think about something joyful and powerful; then, sit or stand like Superman with a big smile on your face. Even if you don’t feel happy enough to smile, fake it for god sakes. Who cares how ridiculous you look! 🙂 Ridiculous is sexy … or Michelle lies to me because she is an awesome wifey. Ok, I will stop now.
Don’t forget to smile a lot!!! It’s good for you!