Embracing authenticity is a challenge that many actors and non-actors face. We often feel like we are not enough and try to fit in by molding ourselves to what others expect from us. However, the truth is that you have it all inside of you. Whether you’re building a character for a film or trying to find your true self, you can tap into your inner resources and embrace your unique identity.
Acting vs. Living Truthfully: The Importance of Embracing Authenticity
You can tell when an actor begins a scene and starts “acting”. I know, that sounds funny because actors are supposed to act, right? No, not really, actors are supposed to be living truthfully in the given circumstances. The same goes for regular humans. You have it all inside of you, and you don’t have to act differently to fit in. What you do have to do is realize that there is a version of you who can find anything interesting. There is a version of you that would try eating fish eggs, given the right circumstances.
Breaking Free from Social Conditioning: Owning Your True Self
At an early age, we start listening to others and automatically try to fit in or do things that others do. Fitting in isn’t a problem, it is just human nature. As we age, we start conforming or trying to be like others because we may look up to them or like them or their lifestyle. We start tailoring our personality so that our friends and family like us. But as we grow up, we slowly put pieces of ourselves in the closet that others don’t like so that we are accepted. As an actor, our work is to get to know those pieces and invite them out!

Finding Yourself: How to Access Your Inner Resources
You have it all inside of you, which means that no matter what you are looking for, be it building a character for a film or just trying to bring something new out of yourself, you have the inner resources to do so. Take some time to sit in silence and question how you feel when you are around others. How do you feel when you walk away from group A or friend B? If you always feel drained or unwanted, maybe start letting go of some of those friendships or shorten the amount of time you spend with them.
Embracing the Full Spectrum of Your Identity: Taming the Beast
Something to remember is that just because you get to know all of those pieces, it doesn’t mean you have to become all of them all of the time. You are capable of anything, but that doesn’t mean you have to be any of them. However, owning the full spectrum of your identity may come in handy one day. Worse case scenario is that you need a part of yourself, and it is too scared to come out of the closet. So, embrace the full spectrum of who you are, and don’t be afraid to let all aspects of yourself shine through.
Embracing authenticity is a journey that requires patience, courage, and self-awareness. By learning to live truthfully and letting go of social conditioning, you can tap into your inner resources and own your true self. Remember, you have it all inside of you. If you enjoyed this article, feel free to leave a comment or follow me on social media for more insights on personal growth and creativity

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