My Beliefs Affect Me
Now, I know this subject can sound wishy washy, but let me ask you this – Do you think that there is anything in our lives that doesn’t stem from our basic beliefs?
I was speaking with a friend last night who has been through some tough times and it has affected their belief system so strongly that it causes a daily struggle and pain. If your belief system is causing you pain, then why not change it? They are your beliefs, after all. If I believed, for instance, all women are cheaters after being cheated on and it really hurt, then I may adopt that belief. Now, if I agree with what science says, that we are vibrational beings and we are constantly sending out a radio wave to receive things that are in and of that frequency, then I would want to change what I am feeling so I can attract something else. However, I will save that for another blog. Let’s assume you think Einstein was a dummy and all that frequency stuff is crazy.
Do you notice that when someone puts their mind to something or keeps thinking about or focusing on something, that they have a better chance of accomplishing it? You meet people who have this goal and they are focused on it and driven to the point that they will not stop until they can reach that goal? Well, based on that alone, I know that if my brain is focused on a problem and I keep thinking about how bad that problem is and how much pain it is giving me, then I will never come up with a solution because I believe that it is never going to get fixed. I think the pain it is causing is someones fault other than my own – God, perhaps, or the Universe, or Source, whatever or whoever you want to blame it on; but I sure as hell don’t think it is my fault. Well, that may help your Ego feel better; but let’s be honest, if it isn’t your fault, you can’t fix it. Take ownership of the life you are creating because that is the only way you can change it. Don’t focus on how painful it is, as emotions are a choice. Fake it if you have to but believe that it is getting better and let your body take a break from the pain you keep focusing on. That causes the body to stress; and daily stress is the leading killer and disease developer in the world! In acting, we tend to use things we have been through to help make our scenes real. When we use something like a memory and think about that time in our lives, our body starts to go through what it went through then, as well. Our blood vessels constrict making it harder for blood to flow, which slows our breathing and makes us feel tension. It’s not good at all! Remember, if our mind thinks it is true, then so does our body. Therefore, every time you mentally think of the pain, your body thinks you are going through it again. The pain does make you feel something and it makes others feel bad for you; so you are getting enough attention off of that crappy belief, that you can’t let it go because the attention feels good, and misery loves company! Maybe, I believe that women are cheaters so much, that I only attract those types of women; and maybe even if they weren’t a cheat, by the time my fears have taken over the relationship, I drove them to become a cheater!? I am not saying ignore the obvious; but as soon as I put a blanket statement like – “women don’t like men who wear glasses”, or “who drive a Prius”, or any of these weird beliefs that we tend to get stuck on, then I am furthering that belief and I am also shunning people away because I already think they are something they are not. On our closing note here, I want you to start doing this one thing every morning.
Wake up and write down 3 things that make you feel really good! Then, write 2 things in which you would be overjoyed if they happened to you! Keep it something realistic that you could let your mind actually believe. Then, for each of the 3 things that made you feel good, I want you to spend 2 minutes on each and really feel and focus on how good it makes you feel deep down in your stomach! Then, I want you to take those 2 things (the “if’s”) that would make you over the moon; and I want you to sit and imagine how awesome it feels if they would happen and how fantastic and overjoyed you feel. Imagine it affecting people around you and how happy you guys feel together; but stay focused on those feelings never letting yourself imagine otherwise.
Check on your beliefs this week and see if anything you believe to be absolute truth is really just absolute bullshit you keep telling yourself because, let’s be honest, a belief is nothing more than something you tell yourself 24/7.
Life is what you make it. It is not happening to you but for you.