I haven’t released a blog post in a very long time, and since then, life has shifted, the world has changed, and we have all experienced monumental effects on our worlds. Life never stops, and evolution doesn’t rest. So here we go with Pandemics, Podcasts, Books and Beliefs! As humans, we are always expanding or contracting. We flow with the seasons and the spinning of the planet. Since my last post, I know I personally have experienced substantial contraction and expansion. Let’s talk about contraction first.

We can’t discuss the past anymore without mentioning Covid-19 and the pandemic. This time period had a huge effect on all of us. Many of us went through mental shifts and changes; for some, it cracked us open like an egg, and for others, it caused us to shrivel up and lock the gates. There is no wrong here, by the way. When I talk to Charli, I always tell her it’s okay whatever emotion she is feeling. Whether you’re mad, sad, happy, or grumpy, they are all justified in our feelings. This goes the same for actors in the moment of a scene. There is no perfect human behavior! Now, I also follow up with Charli and remind her that no matter what we are feeling, how we perceive it, and how we use it is up to us. No matter how you found your way through the pandemic, it is okay. I hope if you pulled back on the bow and contracted, you are now able to launch these arrows amazingly far! If you used the time to begin expansion on projects or personal development, that you are already into the stratosphere in your endeavors!
I took a break from acting during the pandemic. Well, let me reframe that. I finished up a feature film called “A Savannah Haunting.” I will put a clip just below this.
Then right after, our industry began to mandate the CV-Therapeutics. That is what we are going to call them, so my blog doesn’t get into any trouble. I support medical freedom, and I have been in the “V” discussion since probably 2010, as I almost did a documentary about them but ultimately was pulled out of completing the project.
The point is, I was very interested in all of the medical therapeutics, and this one was no different. Without any negative or positive, I have never been a huge fan of the large Pharma companies, or food and regulatory agencies, as the money usually ruled most of it, plus I wasn’t the biggest fan of Donald Trump. We aren’t going into politics here; I am not a fan of most politicians and more specifically the system in which they are all entangled and of course that all becomes an individual basis not just a blanket, “I don’t like X”. Not a huge fan of the current POTUS either, not as a human, just policy issues, but again, different time and different discussion! Anyway, the point being, I wasn’t in a rush to take this brand new therapeutics, and then when it came out the studies wanted 50 years before they had to be released, I was okay with just taking a break from the industry. No judgment on if you did or you didn’t, I think that is the beauty of medical freedom is that certain things work for certain people.
During that time, I started working on my passion that had been developing over the last few decades and decided to work on a few books! I will link the digital copies down below. The first one has an Amazon copy, or you can just purchase the digitals by following the link!
If you want the hard copy of The Actor’s Gift to manifestation this first book you can follow this link otherwise if you want the digital copy you can click on the photo or link above. Amazon link!

The books dive into this link I had been working on that I now call The Actor’s Gift to Manifestation. You all have heard of the movie The Secret, and to me, what they left out was the how. How do you make yourself believe you have achieved this, “thing,” whatever it is, a new house, a new car, lots of money without falling back to the feeling of, “but, wait, I don’t really have any of it here.” That is where acting comes in. I have spent my whole life, well, most of it at this point, focusing on learning and studying acting. Most people think acting is faking something, but real actors don’t fake. We shift our whole paradigm of beliefs during those periods of time so that we can truthfully live in imaginary circumstances! In the books, I work through those ideas and some of the techniques!
I also launched a podcast, The Dean West Perspective. I will leave that link below.

You can find the podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, IheartRadio, or Amazon Music, Even Google podcasts! You can also watch some as they release on Youtube on The Dean West Perspective channel.
Michelle The Power Manifestor!
On to the next! I always mess with Michelle and tell her that she is the power manifester in this house and anything she puts her mind to we end up getting. I joke with her that she Manifested the pandemic! She wanted nothing else but to be able to spend as much time as she could with Charli. We had this amazing little lady right before the pandemic got crazy! Which means we were able to spend the first 3 years of her life and never missed a moment! I missed a little while filming a few films, but after that, Charli hasn’t had more than maybe 2 days without both of us in her life, and Michelle has never spent a full day away from Charli. Which is a blessing and a curse! 😂🥰❤️. I am kidding, but not really! Let’s just say thank you to grandparents. My parents don’t live as close so they help when they can, but Michelle’s mom and Dad live right down the road and without the help of Michelle’s mom, none of us would get much accomplished! So I tell Michelle she manifested the pandemic.
I won’t go down the list of manifestations that Michelle and I have accomplished, but I will say I appreciate the days of not having and learning and struggling to expand to where we are now. When we first moved back to Louisiana I remember I built some furniture for the first few weeks out of our moving boxes! 😂. They were pretty cool!
Now these days, we have launched an Amazon FBA business. We upgraded and manufactured this spa headband that you can find on Amazon. Michelle, myself, and one of our good friends Cody Wise combined our talents to get this product out. Michelle has been working so hard on getting all of the logistics, shipping, etc, and I do a lot of our marketing. I will bless you with a few videos down below! 🙂
Coaching moving forward from here!
Now just a final catch up. I am working on launching a coaching program focused on this connection of Acting and manifestation. It will be a full-on life coaching business that together myself and the clients work through their manifestation and find a connection to their perfect future self, and we create that human through daily practice of awareness and building habits and beliefs so that we can support this future self from the core of our being. We build blocks of beliefs that support that which we are becoming and find the gaps in our current life that we can upgrade and reallocate.
Our energy can create so much when we focus it and support it. Neuroscience, NLP, Therapy, the arts, faith, metaphysics, when we combine the knowledge we have of our life and the reflection that creates worlds, we are truly able to move mountains with the faith of a mustard seed.
Thank you for catching up on life with me, and please take the time to check out some of the links I have provided. If you are interested in the one-on-one life coaching I will be doing, please feel free to reach out. I will also leave a link here that will help you start understanding some of the acting and manifestation techniques that we use. This is a course that is not only great to learn the beginning techniques in acting but to understand some of the ways we can affect our future and manifest the life we desire.

This is course is currently getting an upgrade, but will be involved the development of the Life Coaching program to come!
Thank you all for your support! 🙏🏽🥰 If you enjoy what I do on my social media, private coaching, writings, books, etc., the best way you can help me is by sharing any of the info that resonates with you. Your support means the world to me!