Yes We Vibe
I wanted to take a quick second to mention Yes We Vibe joining me for this blog to help spread positivity, smiles, and love! We are sporting the ‘TeachPeace’ shirts in the photo! I am a big fan of Yes We Vibe for all of the love they spread with their message from t-shirts to bed spreads. We can all use a little extra love!
Why do you care that YES WE VIBE has joined me for this blog!? The perk! Use code ‘TeamWest’ for 10% off of your order. Let’s lift up and support the companies that are spreading love and positivity to a world that can so desperately use more of it!
Now let’s dive into what ‘Vibrations’ really are!

Do we really vibe? I mean really? Let’s be honest, some people we like, and some people we do not. No thank you. I don’t want to buy any of what you are selling, please and thank you, step away from the Me. Right? We could just say that person sucks, but we understand it deeper than that. We can go into the psychological reasons of why they are mean, or “suck” later; but, in this instance, we are going to talk about why we say things like “I don’t like that guy’s vibe” or “He feels ucky”.
We are actually saying we don’t like the vibration that he is giving out.
Of course we Vibe
Scientists have proven that we are all made up of little vibrating molecules all the way down to even smaller things called quarks and photons. It may not look like it, but everything is vibrating! The chair you are sitting on is really an infinite number of vibrating atoms giving off their own specific vibrational frequency. So are you, by the way, we all have our own little unique vibrational frequency. Your thoughts hold their own vibrations, as well. When we are talking about vibrations, think about it as radio waves. Radio frequencies can be tuned to the same mathematical frequency and they will transmit with each other. Now, for the powerful part!
This guy we were talking about earlier, the guy with the bad vibe? He probably spends a lot of time thinking about things that aren’t any fun, or things in his past that keep him feeling crappy. If thoughts have their own frequency, then crappy thoughts bring crappy vibes. That’s how vibes work. Or did no one explain how this weird world of ours works? Of course we didn’t! We tend to devalue the things that we’re freely given. However, love, family, freedom to create, the choices we are able to make, those are the things that are the most important. Your mind is the most important thing you have access to in this world, and it is free! Again, no manual with it, but know this – your mind and your thoughts are the creation of your future. I know, it sounds wonky, but everything in life begins as a thought. You may say something is impossible, but I say so was flying a plane at one point in history.
Let’s say life is like a strawberry seed. I do not say give me the strawberries, then I will give you the water and the soil. If I wanted beautiful strawberries out of my seed, I first have to support it, feed it, water it, and, only then, will I get these beautiful berries. I have faith, with the right support, those strawberries will come. If my mind is focused on the goal and appreciating what it is like to have that outcome, the vibrations of acceptance are allowing that frequency to freely attract the vibrations of that goal. We are tuned into the same radio station!
Our vibrations attract like vibration
Every religion and mystic have believed in some way or another, ask and it shall be given.
- Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall open. Bible-Mathew 7:7
- What ever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have recieved it and it will be yours. Mark 11:24
- What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create. Buddha
- Mind your thoughts as they become your words, mind your words as they become your actions and mind your actions as they become you.
If we think of our thoughts and vibrations as radio waves, we know if we tune into a certain station, we will pick up that station. Vibrations are no different. Regardless the frequency, realizing your thoughts are creating your future can be a way to bring on a better future by controlling the vibrational request you are putting out daily! I don’t want to hang out with those bad vibe guys, as there is always a complaint about life that goes along with it, and anytime you talk about something good they turn it into a negative about them. Those people are the ones I can only ‘Teach Peace’ to if they are ready to hear it. The complaints are the vibrations. The justice they have not been given are vibrations; and being the victim of anything they can muster up, is still requesting those like vibrations!
Teach Peace
To ‘teach peace’ is to teach love and the Golden Rule.
Treat others the way you wish to be treated, wish for others the success you wish for yourself.
I could go into the science that explains this; but, again, LIKE VIBRATIONS ATTRACT LIKE VIBRATIONS.
The rule is simple for a reason.
In a relationship, the Golden Rule can be your best friend. It isn’t hard to ask yourself, “what could I do that would make me happy, that I could do for my significant other?”.
As an actor, I also teach through peace and love. If I understand my character through love, I can be one with it. If I understand my character through judgment, I can only ever be a “character”, a mimic of that human being.
If you enjoyed this, please subscribe, and you can also click on any of the shirts and photos to check out Yes We Vibe website and get the ‘TeamWest’ discount!
You can also go check out Michelle’s blog, (my wife), as her Yes We Vibe blog talks about tips to keeping a relationship happy and positive!
6 Essentials for a positive happy relationship