You were Created in God’s Image
You were created in the image of God!
First of all, I am so sorry I haven’t posted in a while. This was originally an Instagram post and I clearly got carried away and ran out of room to type. So… Here we go.
We all come from a different walk of life, we are all raised in a household with different beliefs and because of that we are all raised with a different belief about God and religion. In our lessons from those around us, we form a belief structure of what is good or bad, or who is listening to the right “God” or enlightened being. In our history, the world has gone through many beliefs. Ancient cultures believed our creator made many Gods but the source of all creation was of a feminine power.
In History
As history continued, the Abrahamic religions changed a lot. But, to be fair, the stories started before Christianity and some Abrahamic religions. The stories began to put the power in the hands of the masculine. There are thousands of stories that follow the same main points in Abrahamic religions but with different names in place of Jesus and Buddha. Many of those stories have similar stories told before the time of those religions. To name a few, if you are interested in going to do a little research, Krishna, Odysseus, Romulus, Dionysus, Heracles, Glycon, Zoroaster, Attis of Phrygia, and, last but not least, Horus.
I, personally, think because of our egos, “Source/God” knew there was no way humans were going to follow one god or savior or enlightened one that was not like the individual hearing or reading it.
Was our ego too big?
So, in order to help us understand and feel a part of the stories, the enlightened one in the story was similar to each group of people so they could see themselves as a part of it. My point is not to negate any religion or belief, but to say that we are cut of the same cloth and that in the end we are all created from this main source no matter what you call it. We can love each other, support each other, and give respect to each other’s choices. There have been too many deaths because of the disagreement of a name.
Us Vs Them
We have to keep in check that our strong beliefs do not cause an us VS them way of life or mentality any further than it already has. When it becomes an us VS them mentality, we feel threatened and the masculine energy wants to take over and make sure that we all see the world in the way that “we” think is right.
You are a Creator
Life is given, and because it is given we are all worthy of receiving what life has to offer. One of my favorite parts of the Bible is “God created humans in God’s image”. No matter your faith, you were created by a creator and we are what our creator is and that is a Creator! We can never begin to understand “GOD”, as it is beyond our capable understanding. However, based on most information, we tend to think of God being loving. So lets start with that.
Begin to look at the world as you would if you could believe you were a God, a creator. Try to tap in to what it would feel like. This is allowing you to get closer to God. Look at the world as you can create whatever you choose and that you can take care and watch over all that has been created. Take pride in all that is around you, as you are a part of that creation and most ancient cultures knew and understood that we are all connected at the core and that this world does not go on forever but our souls, our consciousness, do.
Einstein — ‘Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another”.
We are not bones and material. Biocentrism states that nothing could exist without consciousness. Our mind does a great job at bringing all of our senses together to help us understand, see, and create this 4d world around us.
After a friend of Einstein’s died, he was quoted of saying this, “Now Besso has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us…know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” In truth, your mind transcends space and time.
Don’t take my word for it
I don’t want to you to believe me. I would rather you do your own research, but I would ask that you think about it this way – Can you imagine how our world would be if we all treated each other with the respect and love that you hold in your heart for what you call “God” or “source”? If we all walked around treating each other as Gods and we truly understood that the source of our creator is inside all of us and everything to the point that we honored the God inside us all, the world would be the Heaven on Earth that we are all searching.
Thanks for making it through my thoughts this morning and please feel free to leave comments below. If you enjoyed this blog, you may also enjoy Morning Mash Up – My Beliefs or Human Connection! Or you can scroll around the blog to see what else you vibe with!
You can also check out a new T-shirt company I am launching within the next week or so and follow us on our social media accounts!

Very interesting!!!!